McLanahan模块化洗涤设备和洗涤系统帮助Stradacon Penna回收C&D Waste For Reuse

Case Studies

Stradacon Penna is a quarry operation located in Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 专业生产优质道路基层及路堤材料, aggregate, recycled concrete products, and specialty sands for the civil construction industry, sporting fields and bio-retention basins. 老板大卫和维维安·彭纳掌舵,他们的孩子娜塔莉和贾尔参与日常运营, Stradacon Penna is a true family-orientated business.


David Penna prides his quarry on being a clean, healthy environment. 他仔细而周到地规划了他的场地,并考虑了可持续性, 在他的采石场入口处排列的柑橘和其他热带果树是他努力的证明.


“我们非常渴望把灰尘从我们的生活中清除出去,把灰尘从我们的网站上清除出去,”Penna说. “它会导致机械问题、健康问题和生产力问题.”

减少干筛破碎集料产生的粉尘, Penna reached out to Lincom, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全在澳大利亚的集料湿法加工设备经销商, about adding a wash plant for size classification.


“通过与Lincom的长期合作,我们第一次意识到McLanahan的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全系列,” Penna said. “多年来,他们为我们提供了几乎所有的破碎设备, and they maintain a very good relationship with us. We’re on a first-name basis with them and know the family very well, and being a family organization ourselves, it means a lot to us.”

Lincom recommended McLanahan’s UltraWASH Modular Wash Plant, 哪个工厂最多可以生产三种清洁骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和两种洗砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

Penna表示,McLanahan UltraWASH的设计实力以及McLanahan的历史和家庭价值观给他留下了深刻的印象. The modularity of the plant, 再加上Penna在工厂到来之前的精心规划, allowed for a quick and easy setup on site.

“It went together in a matter of days,” said Penna. “Everything just went together, piece by piece; everything just went into the right place.”


“Dilution is the solution to pollution,” Penna said, 引用一句著名的格言,关于加水以降低污染物浓度的过程.

With this in mind, 他为他的新洗涤厂增加了一个McLanahan模块化洗涤系统,主要由McLanahan粗料螺旋洗衣机组成. The Coarse Material Screw Washer accepts the C&将粉碎后的废料进行分解,并在UltraWASH处理之前从骨料中去除轻质碎片和有机物质.


With the McLanahan modular scrubbing system, Stradacon Penna is reducing the amount of soft plastics, timbers and papers that come in with the crushed C&D waste feed. Penna said about 99.9% of the rubbish is removed and sent to the local tip. 然后,骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全用McLanahan脱水筛脱水,并提交给McLanahan UltraWASH模块化洗涤厂,与自然产生的骨料一起添加.

“It’s been a real game-changer for us,” Penna said. “我们现在生产的骨料和沙子中,有10%来自拆迁垃圾中的再生混凝土. We’re cleaning it up, presenting it with new fresh material, giving it a spruce up, putting it back on the ground and you just can’t tell. Rather than crushing all that demolition waste up, sending it back to industry, 我们正在整理它,并以一种几乎全新的状态将其呈现给工业.”

Penna said customers from all over the region bring their C&把废品运到他的采石场,因为这是一个一站式的回收材料和购买新菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的商店. The customers haul in C&D waste and haul out a clean, 可用于建筑目的的再生骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

“Most people know who we are, they know how we’re going about it, and they want to be a part of it,” shared Penna. “I’ve been in discussions with a lot of customers, 他们都认为这是一件非常负责任的事情——给我们带来混凝土废料, we clean it up and send it back to industry. We don’t send it back to industry unless it is cleaned up.”

With the addition of the UltraWASH, Penna说,他们能够增加菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全线,并扩展到一些特种砂——“所有这些菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全都很难生产, but we can make through our wash plant.”

“We’re very happy with the products coming out of the wash plant, and a key feature is the flexibility of the plant,” Penna said, 他指的是他能够通过UltraWASH灵活的设计来调整物料流动和拆分菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. “We’re absolutely ecstatic with it.”


“UltraWASH使我们能够无尘运行,这对我们来说至关重要. Its reliability is just outstanding,” Penna said. “It’s strong, it’s tough.”

Penna最喜欢的UltraWASH功能是远程访问,允许McLanahan的控制和自动化团队直接连接到工厂进行软件更新并提供故障排除支持. Penna said that with the remote access, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全团队解决工厂控制问题的速度比他从镇上找一个当地电工到现场的速度还要快.

“That’s gold,” said Penna. “The company being so far away, you feel a little remote here, you feel a little bit like you’re on another planet somewhere, but the remote access, that just makes us feel a lot closer to our supplier, and it’s a great feeling from a purchaser’s point of view.

“We feel like they’re just right here with us.”

Relationships are important to Penna, 并通过调试和启动与McLanahan团队建立强大的合作关系,自2021年以来一直通过售后支持持续进行,这一点至关重要.

“与提供设备的人建立关系比实际设备本身更深入. It goes to the relationships you develop with the company, 对于我和McLanahan通过Lincom和直接通过McLanahan建立的关系,我不能说太多.”


“The whole operation, the scrubber system coupled with the wash plant, 使我们能够处理这些拆迁垃圾并将其像新国家一样重新投入工业,” Penna explained. “It also enables us to operate dust-free. There’s not a lot of dust. There are fruit trees growing there because they can.

“It adds to the well-being of us all as people here. It’s healthy. It’s clean. 这在环境上也是可持续的,因为我们不会把垃圾扔回工业中, we’re not belching dust out into the air, and it makes for a great work environment, it really does.”

配有McLanahan UltraWASH模块化洗涤设备和模块化洗涤系统, Penna正在实现他的目标,为他的客户提供高质量的骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时为他的团队创造一个更安全的工作环境.


Stradacon penna overview

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